

7 Animals That Only Have Eyes for One Mate Their Whole Lives!

After all, monogamy is not as uncommon in animals as you may think. Read about 7 animals who mate for life!

Jeevoka Buzz

Preparing a Home With Pets for a Natural Disaster

A pet owner's guide to ensuring the safety of their pets, should a natural disaster ever strike. After all, let's not overlook the effects of Global Warming!

Jeevoka Buzz

6 Animals In Mythology - We Bet At least One Of These Facts Will Surprise You!

Our limited understanding of animals often translated into our culture... here are some cool myths and thoughts surrounding some of them!

Jeevoka Buzz

Animals Can Do Math

Ever questioned the usefulness of math in daily life? Maybe not for us, but some animals use mathematics very naturally- and it's not just monkeys- many animals can and do use math every day.

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals With Enviable Superpowers!

Superpowers exist in nature -- from endurance to super-strength and more. Read on to learn about some seriously cool animals!

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals That Can Outlive You (By A Long Shot!)

The animal kingdom sees so many examples of ridiculously long lifespans, and yet we are unaware that they exists. Yes, we eat some of them too, and yes tortoises come last on this list!

Jeevoka Buzz

3 DIY Feeders Made With Things You Have Around the House!

For those that love birds, a DIY bird feeder is the perfect project that will attract all kinds of birds to their garden or balcony! Read on for some easy, cheap and fun ideas.

Jeevoka Buzz

Nina Martin - Her Art and the Australian Bushfires

Art which features animals can be deeply personal, in this post Nina Martin talks about her art and what inspires her!


Thanksgiving and Turkeys… What’s the Connection?

Turkeys are the main event at every Thanksgiving Dinner. In this article, we question the why of it all.

Jeevoka Buzz

Photo Story: Kingfishers of India

One of the most fascinating subjects of wildlife photography, the Indian Kingfisher does not cease to un-muse itself! Did you know, there are twelve species of this mighty bird?

Uma Athale


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