
Browse Posts

Interesting posts about animals... right at your fingertips.

8 Animals That Inspired (And Should Inspire) Pokémon!

Ever wondered if fictional or fantasy animals are actually inspired from real-life strange looking creatures? Here's a list of some animals that have inspired Pokémon, and some more that should!

Jeevoka Buzz

A Vegan's Survival Guide Through India

If you are vegan and exploring India soon, here’s your region-wise guide to making the most of the country’s beautiful gastronomy without losing your mind!

Seema Nande

How About a Pet Fish?

So you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a pet. Here are some points in favour of keeping fish!

Eliana F

Why Does My Normally Intelligent Dog Keep Making the Same Mistakes?!

My dog is usually smart, so why's he making the same mistakes over and over? I finally found out!

Ketki Bhosale

8 Small New Years Resolutions That Make a Big Impact!

Wondering how to make a new year's resolution that will stick? Here are some small ideas to help you make a big difference!

Jeevoka Buzz

Redefining Courage: Gir’s First Woman Guard Has Rescued 1000+ Animals in 12 Years!

In India, women are slowly emerging as leaders in the field. Rasila Wadher was one of the first women in the country to join this illustrious guard. These are some of her rescue stories.

Jeevoka Buzz

Climate Change Jeopardises Survival of Snow Leopards

Climate change as a result of global warming is causing habitat loss to animals and thus endangering species like the snow leopard. Here’s how!

Jeevoka Buzz

Dogs – A Review of the New Docu-Series on Netflix

Here’s my take on Netflix's "Dogs" -- a docu-series celebrating the human-dog bond.

Tanya Kane

I Got Lucky!

Here's a small piece about my connection with Lucky, a sanctuary dog who saw lots of love in his old age at the RESQ Charitable Trust.

Jessica Roberts

The Magical World of Cat Colours

From tabby to tortoiseshell to grey to cinnamon, there's a plethora of cat colours — a plethora that's nothing short of magic! Read on to know all about it.

Rupal Zingde

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Interesting posts about animals... right at your fingertips.

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