So you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a pet. Here are some points in favour of keeping fish!
So you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a pet. Here are some points in favour of keeping fish!
Image Courtesy- LUIS PADILLA-Fotografia-Shutterstock
- Fish are known to have a calming effect on anyone who watches them glide serenely through the water. So, they can be great stress busters in today’s hectic world.
- Fish are great pets for those living in small homes. They take up hardly any space and do not need a yard!
- They do not need much human time like other pets, so you don’t have to worry about your sofa legs being chewed up!
- They are a great first pet for children, especially when it comes to understanding the responsibility a pet entails.

Image Courtesy- FamVeld-Shutterstock
- They tend to be more affordable to maintain unless you are building a big aquarium.
- They are quiet pets and will never be a nuisance to neighbours. For the same reason, you can also have them and your landlord won't mind!
- They don’t need to be walked or litter box trained.
- They also have minimal maintenance. They don’t need their coats brushed and really don’t even need a lot of medical attention if their environment is well looked after.

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So if you have a hectic life but think you can feed them regularly, and maintain their habitat to the optimum level, then fish might just be the right pet for you. Don’t forget though, they are completely dependent on you and need commitment just like other pets!