The joy of pet-parenting is two-way. Your personality can further play an important role in determining a suitable pet for you to ensure its BEST care and responsibility. Find out more!
We all would agree that the joy of having a pet is unparalleled. Whether it is the unconditional love, the pleasure in nurturing and seeing a life grow to sharing your secrets to someone better to trust than a human—a pet gives you the chance to do all this and more. You may be drawn towards the loyalty of a dog, the amour propre of a cat, the selfsufficiency of a fit, or the playfulness of a lizard, but did you know your personality too can be the right draw; moreover, your personality can well determine your capability to pet an animal right. Here's a list of pets best suitable for personality traits listed under them. After all, bear in mind that having a pet is a responsibility often underrated by most!


- You value friendship
- Time is not an unmanageable issue for you
- There's fair enough space in your house
- You are quite energetic
- Finances are sorted

- You love beings with their own mind
- Over dependency is not your thing
- A cosy space is your idea of home
- Laidback and lazy are what best describe you
- Cleanliness is a pre-requisite for you when it comes to

- Have a thing for intelligence and don't mind your conversations being eavesdropped on
- You aren't the best person when it comes to homework
- An easy life is your ideal life
- You aren't a very high maintenance person
- Forgetting things is one trait you want to change about yourself

- You love being in fun company
- Love makes your world go round
- Visual entertainment boosts your mood when you are sad
- Smartness inspires you
- You are looking for a lifelong companion

- Strange and unusual often find your fancy
- Your friends best describe you as "interesting"
- Anything that requires a lot of attention sets you off
- Wildness blossoms in your spirit
- Anti-social is your second nature
Guniea Pig

- You love being around lively beings
- Entertainment is something you always seek
- You are always on the lookout of a mood elevator
- You prefer clean and independent beings
- Emotional development is something you have been working on

- Carefree: your second name
- You seek lifelong relationships
- Cuddling is not your idea of love
- Fresh air and sunshine make you happy
- Quietude is your bliss
With that, you now know what pet best suits your personality. So go on and embark on the joy of being a pet owner. Having said that, don't forget that every pet, no matter what species, is a responsibility - a duty you need to duly fulfil!