
pet care

Alternative Medical Treatments That You Should Consider for Your Pets

These alternative treatments, along with the conventional medicines, can help make your pets life better. Some of them are even preventive!

Aaditee Kulkarni

September Is Animal Pain Awareness Month

Dear animals, if only you could tell us where it hurts!

Aaditee Kulkarni

Grooming and Your Pet During the Lockdown

If you and your best friend are missing your local groomer, here's how you can take matters into your own hands and improve your bond with your dog!

Ketki Bhosale

Coronavirus Lockdown and Quarantine: Pet Care and Tips

Your pet needs you more than you'd imagine as we endure one of the hardest times in human history. Help them get through quarantine in these simple ways.

Jeevoka Buzz

A Pet for Every Personality! What's Yours?

The joy of pet-parenting is two-way. Your personality can further play an important role in determining a suitable pet for you to ensure its BEST care and responsibility. Find out more!

Jeevoka Buzz

Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe in Summers

Summertime means loads of outdoor fun with your pets. Keep your pet cool in the warm weather with these tips!

raksha kulkarni

Obesity in Pets

Can you tell whether your pet is cutely round and tubby or could there be a possibility that they are obese? Read on to find out, and if positively obese, how you can help!

Indrakshi Banerji

What Is Important to Remember About Pet Vaccinations?

Vaccinating and re-vaccinating your pets on time is one of the best ways to prevent the onset of deadly and often fatal diseases. Here's an all-you-need-to-know about it!

Indrakshi Banerji

Ways in Which Pets Help With Our Mental Health

Ever wondered how just talking to your pet has made your day immediately go from horrible to great? Yes, it is proven that pets can help with our mental health.

raksha kulkarni

Career Options for Animal Lovers

Do you love animals to the extent that you wish to also have a career revolving around them? Your wish can be turned into reality. Here’s how!

raksha kulkarni

pet care

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Awareness Wildlife Dogs Pets Pet Parenting

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What Is Important to Remember About Pet Vaccinations?

Indrakshi Banerji

Career Options for Animal Lovers

raksha kulkarni

Grooming and Your Pet During the Lockdown

Ketki Bhosale

Obesity in Pets

Indrakshi Banerji