
happy pet

Coronavirus Lockdown and Quarantine: Pet Care and Tips

Your pet needs you more than you'd imagine as we endure one of the hardest times in human history. Help them get through quarantine in these simple ways.

Jeevoka Buzz

A Pet for Every Personality! What's Yours?

The joy of pet-parenting is two-way. Your personality can further play an important role in determining a suitable pet for you to ensure its BEST care and responsibility. Find out more!

Jeevoka Buzz

Obesity in Pets

Can you tell whether your pet is cutely round and tubby or could there be a possibility that they are obese? Read on to find out, and if positively obese, how you can help!

Indrakshi Banerji

Prepping Your Pet for Winter — Everything You Need to Know!

Here's all that you need to know to keep your pet warm and comfy during the winter!

Jeevoka Buzz

Thinking of Getting a Pet Rabbit? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

Rabbits can be wonderful pets... if you know what they need. Read on to find out more about Rabbit Care 101!

Jeevoka Buzz

What’s in Your Dog’s Kibble?

With pet food ingredients constantly evolving, elements like GMOs and grains seem to be the new-age culprits. So what's the best kibble for your beloved pet? Read on to find out!

Jeevoka Buzz

Identifying Stress In Your Pet… Everything You Need to Know About Pets and Stress!

Stress in animals can be a dangerous thing if it goes unchecked. Here are some ways to identify stress and help your pet be happier!

Jeevoka Buzz