
Indian Wildlife

A Sick Leopard Falls Victim to Human Cruelty And Harassment in MP

A seemingly passive wild leopard attracts the fascinaion and abuse of a group of villagers, who see the animal's plight as a means of fun and entertainment.

Jeevoka Buzz

State Animals and Birds of India

In India, did you know that each state has its own allotted bird and animal? Here's all you need to know!

raksha kulkarni

Saving the Critically Endangered - Gharials

We have a true reason to celebrate after this World Crocodle Day – the birth and release of 116 critically endangered gharials on the Gandak River banks in Bihar!

raksha kulkarni

Indian Lockdown: A Boon For the Nilgiri Tahr

The lockdown which has extensively helped our mother nature and wildlife heal. One such widely impacted wildlife species is the Nilgiri Tahr, an endangered species of wild goat.

raksha kulkarni

Paw-prints on our conservation efforts?

Why are wildlife experts all around India talking about stray dogs? Read on to see how the humble stray dog is wreaking havoc on our vulnerable fauna


Commonly Found Birds in Indian Cities

Why go bird-watching at some jungle far away? If you're starting birding, start from your own city! There are numerous bird species just around you.

raksha kulkarni

7 Facts About Elephants We Bet You Never Knew!

There’s so much more to Elephants facts than just “the largest land mammal”; 7 facts right here, we are pretty sure you didn’t know of!

Jeevoka Buzz

10 Beautiful Indian Animals That Are Almost Extinct and No One Cares

How come we care only about certain animals going extinct? Here's a list of animals that extremely close to extinction, and nobody really knows.

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Indian Wildlife

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State Animals and Birds of India

raksha kulkarni

7 Facts About Elephants We Bet You Never Knew!

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