

Animals Can Do Math

Ever questioned the usefulness of math in daily life? Maybe not for us, but some animals use mathematics very naturally- and it's not just monkeys- many animals can and do use math every day.

Jeevoka Buzz

7 Animals That Went Through Puberty and GLOWED UP!

Some animals almost look unrecognisable as babies. Here's seven baby animals that look nothing like their adult versions!

Jeevoka Buzz

10 Beautiful Indian Animals That Are Almost Extinct and No One Cares

How come we care only about certain animals going extinct? Here's a list of animals that extremely close to extinction, and nobody really knows.

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals With Enviable Superpowers!

Superpowers exist in nature -- from endurance to super-strength and more. Read on to learn about some seriously cool animals!

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals That Can Outlive You (By A Long Shot!)

The animal kingdom sees so many examples of ridiculously long lifespans, and yet we are unaware that they exists. Yes, we eat some of them too, and yes tortoises come last on this list!

Jeevoka Buzz

Nina Martin - Her Art and the Australian Bushfires

Art which features animals can be deeply personal, in this post Nina Martin talks about her art and what inspires her!


How Will Bombay Survive Without Its Lungs?

While the Supreme Court has currently put a hold on further developments of the Metro shed at Aarey, we talk to Anand Siva to know how baneful the repercussions of the proposed development can be!

Jeevoka Buzz


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