
Animal Rights

Dolphins Are Jerks... Here's Why!

Dolphins that we know and love to be smart and friendly are capable of some horrific crimes. Yes. Sometimes dolphins hunt, torture, murder and rape their own species or others.

Malvika Nair

Animal Rescue Has No Age Limit...

It's been an adventure rescuing animals. Here's my journey so far!

Diksha Thakkar

Thanksgiving and Turkeys… What’s the Connection?

Turkeys are the main event at every Thanksgiving Dinner. In this article, we question the why of it all.

Jeevoka Buzz


A small, slightly angry, descriptive rant about why breeding pugs to preserve their "characteristic" traits is animal cruelty.

Malvika Nair

Vegan Substitutes To Make Your Transition Easier!

If you’re thinking of becoming a vegan and are daunted by the task of replacing all your favourite foods, here is a guide to vegan substitutes to help you transition!

Jeevoka Buzz

Steve Irwin - A Showman? Or A Passionate Wildlife Conservationist?

Steve Irwin was an inspiration to so many, but the scathing attacks on his work and methods raise the question “How should Steve Irwin be remembered?”

Ketki Bhosale

Celebrations on the Backs of Suffering Animals.

With the wedding season just around the corner, let’s look at one of the biggest drawbacks of the celebrations that come along — animal suffering.

Seema Nande


A short piece, dedicated to all the Free Beagles on World Freedom Day.

Malvika Nair

How Non-Veganism Contributes to Human Rights Violations

“You’re thinking of going vegan? But what about farmers? Slaughterhouse workers will lose their jobs!” Here’s why I think non-veganism actually contributes towards human suffering.

Apoorva Katpatal

Managing Arthritis in Senior Dogs

A lot of folks expect the solution for arthritis to come out of one bottle, but it takes more effort than that. Here’s how I manage arthritis in my 10.5 year-old freagle, Sasha.


Animal Rights

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Dolphins Are Jerks... Here's Why!

Malvika Nair


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