

Interesting Reptile Facts That You Most Likely Did Not Know

This October 21, join us in celebrating the National Reptile Awareness Day. Let us help spread awareness for our colourful, cold-blooded friends

Aaditee Kulkarni

Animal Comparison: Amphibians vs. Reptiles

They have many traits that they share. But they also differ. Learn the subtle differences between the amphibian and reptile families.

Arjun Sharma

Difference Between Turtles and Tortoise

One of the most interesting cases of Taxonomy, the difference between Turtles and Tortoise has intrigued many. Here's how the two are different!

Uma Athale

10 Beautiful Indian Animals That Are Almost Extinct and No One Cares

How come we care only about certain animals going extinct? Here's a list of animals that extremely close to extinction, and nobody really knows.

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals That Can Outlive You (By A Long Shot!)

The animal kingdom sees so many examples of ridiculously long lifespans, and yet we are unaware that they exists. Yes, we eat some of them too, and yes tortoises come last on this list!

Jeevoka Buzz

Steve Irwin - A Showman? Or A Passionate Wildlife Conservationist?

Steve Irwin was an inspiration to so many, but the scathing attacks on his work and methods raise the question “How should Steve Irwin be remembered?”

Ketki Bhosale

Fatal Attraction: Rescuers to Victims of Recklessness

From ill-informed snake handlers to victims of recklessness, here are some examples of misguided love that led to injury or death!

Indian Snakes

Do it Right! A Poem Written by Ashwin, Manisha and Sanjay

Here’s a fun but informative poem about how to correctly deal with snake bites, passionately put together by three snake conservationists and naturalists!

Indian Snakes

The Cobra Car!

Rescuing an Indian Cobra that was coiled within the bonnet of a car!

Shivam Sharma

Living Among Snakes

Snakes are found all over India, including metropolitan cities. Although difficult to spot, they exist. Here’s my take on snakes and the importance of coexistence.

Surabhi Ganguly


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