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Jeevoka Buzz

Jeevoka member since Oct 2019

Your dose of what’s buzzing in the animal world!
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Gods in Flames

Radhika Bhagat, in this post, writes from the perspective of a tree: one of many gods in flames, narrating the burning of forests to feed the greed of humans!

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Boss Ladies of the Animal Kingdom

Many species of animals have female centric societies. Not only just mating, but they maintain peace and social structure with their dominance. Here are 8 animal species with dominant females.

Jeevoka Buzz

The Welfare of Laboratory Testing Animals in India

A brief look into the history of cruelty, room for improvement and the hopefully better future of animals used in laboratory testing in India.

Jeevoka Buzz

What is the Coronavirus, And How Did it Get Here?

An insight into the unknown world of the emerging disease by focusing on the spread of the coronavirus.

Jeevoka Buzz

India Bringing Back the Cheetah – A Case of Misplaced Priorities?

A short description of the history of how the Asiatic cheetah went extinct in India, and the how efforts to bring it back have succeeded the initial stages.

Jeevoka Buzz

Top Tourist Destinations in India for an Animal Lover

An assorted list of zones and national parks in India, that every animal lover, big or small, must visit once in their lifetime!

Jeevoka Buzz

Animals in Your Dreams?

Dreams can be so confusing! Even more if they have an animal in it. In this post, we decode some meanings of animals in dreams. Read to know about your dreams with Snakes and other animals!

Jeevoka Buzz

9 Animals That Are Masters of Camouflage (Can You Find Them in These Pictures?)

Some animals just have to be not seen to be seen! Can you find some of these well camouflaged creatures?

Jeevoka Buzz

8 Animals That Would Happily Survive A Nuclear War

Some creatures are just way tougher than they look, and WAY tougher than us. This is an informative list of some creatures that can withstand crazy amounts of radiation, and survive nuclear bombs!

Jeevoka Buzz

‘Jaws’ is Responsible For Killing A Colossal Amount of Sharks

A summary of how shark-attack gore movies that began with the ever-so-famous 'Jaws' really gave sharks a bad reputation and how that really affected their numbers and population.

Jeevoka Buzz