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Jeevoka Buzz

Jeevoka member since Oct 2019

Your dose of what’s buzzing in the animal world!
1 Following | 33 Followers

Nature's Marvellous Mothers

This Mother’s Day, here’s an appreciation for some of nature’s most hardcore mothers. From crazy pregnancies to gross nurturing, these 6 animals will leave you marvelled at Motherhood!

Jeevoka Buzz

Are We Ready for a Second Disaster After Coronavirus? Are We Ready for Climate Crisis?

The leaders' ignorance of hard science may have landed us in the current pandemic, but let's lead our way to safeguard ourselves from the next crisis—Climate Crisis. Here's how!

Jeevoka Buzz

6 Charismatic Extinct Indian Animals in the Last 300 Years Due to Anthropogenic Reasons

A pictographic list of six animals that faced extinction in the wake of human hunting, poaching and habitat destruction in the last 300 years.

Jeevoka Buzz

How Umbrella Species Help Conservation and Why the Tiger Is an Iconic Umbrella Species

A short, informative description of umbrella species, using the example of the Tiger in India.

Jeevoka Buzz

Animals That Are Pregnant for an Absurdly Long Time

Some animals have really long gestation periods to develop their embryo that makes the 9-month human pregnancy pale in comparison. Here are 7 animals with remarkably lengthy gestation periods!

Jeevoka Buzz

Coronavirus Lockdown and Quarantine: Pet Care and Tips

Your pet needs you more than you'd imagine as we endure one of the hardest times in human history. Help them get through quarantine in these simple ways.

Jeevoka Buzz

A Pet for Every Personality! What's Yours?

The joy of pet-parenting is two-way. Your personality can further play an important role in determining a suitable pet for you to ensure its BEST care and responsibility. Find out more!

Jeevoka Buzz

Capitalism Is Killing the World’s Wildlife Populations, Not ‘Humanity’

Here’s why Anna Pigott thinks redirecting our self-loathing towards capitalism would not only be a more accurate target, but it might also empower us to see our humanity as a force for good.

Jeevoka Buzz

What Is Your Spirit Animal?

More than just memes, spirit animals can guide you, support you with strength and help you build a soul-satisfying life. Find out what's yours!

Jeevoka Buzz