

The Welfare of Laboratory Testing Animals in India

A brief look into the history of cruelty, room for improvement and the hopefully better future of animals used in laboratory testing in India.

Jeevoka Buzz

7 Facts About Elephants We Bet You Never Knew!

There’s so much more to Elephants facts than just “the largest land mammal”; 7 facts right here, we are pretty sure you didn’t know of!

Jeevoka Buzz

Your Guide to Feeding Stray Animals... Responsibly!

Like all things, there’s a right and wrong way to feed stray animals. Read on to know how to feed stray animals responsibly for both human and animal welfare!

Seema Nande

Dolphins Are Jerks... Here's Why!

Dolphins that we know and love to be smart and friendly are capable of some horrific crimes. Yes. Sometimes dolphins hunt, torture, murder and rape their own species or others.

Malvika Nair

Animal Rescue Has No Age Limit...

It's been an adventure rescuing animals. Here's my journey so far!

Diksha Thakkar

Celebrations on the Backs of Suffering Animals.

With the wedding season just around the corner, let’s look at one of the biggest drawbacks of the celebrations that come along — animal suffering.

Seema Nande

How Non-Veganism Contributes to Human Rights Violations

“You’re thinking of going vegan? But what about farmers? Slaughterhouse workers will lose their jobs!” Here’s why I think non-veganism actually contributes towards human suffering.

Apoorva Katpatal

Managing Arthritis in Senior Dogs

A lot of folks expect the solution for arthritis to come out of one bottle, but it takes more effort than that. Here’s how I manage arthritis in my 10.5 year-old freagle, Sasha.


The Shocking Rise of Animal Abuse On Social Media

Why do graphic cruelty videos keep popping up on your feed? Does social media affect the mistreatment of animals?

Malvika Nair

Chinese Manjha: A Home-Grown Killer

Unlike the traditional cotton-based manjha, Chinese manjha is strong enough to cut through flesh. Here’s how this killer thread threatens both lives and the environment!

Uma Athale


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