
Pet Abandonment

The Sad Reality of Homeless Dogs and Cats in India

With a recent, and one of the first surveys, it was estimated that there are 79.9 million homeless cats and dogs in India. Has this situation reached its worst or do these animals still have hope?

raksha kulkarni

I Got Lucky!

Here's a small piece about my connection with Lucky, a sanctuary dog who saw lots of love in his old age at the RESQ Charitable Trust.

Jessica Roberts

Nachos on the Street

If you are wondering how to find Nachos on Indian streets, let me tell you, you'll find everything on the streets. Because you find street animals and they are everything.


Dogs Are For Life, Not Just For Christmas!

A dog is not a toy. When adoptions fail, you break a dog's heart: many times, beyond repair. Here’s what happens when people realise that having a dog is a lot more than just cuddles and selfies!

Tanya Kane

Pet Abandonment

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Awareness Wildlife Dogs Pets Pet Parenting

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I Got Lucky!

Jessica Roberts

Nachos on the Street
