

The Tiger Tale — The Evolution and Importance of Tigers Through History

How long have tigers been around? What role do they play in our culture? Why should we protect them? Get to know your favourite large cats better this International Tiger Day!

Jeevoka Buzz

The Journey of a Centenarian Tortoise: Rediscovering a Species

Discover the incredible rediscovery of the Fernandina Giant Tortoise, a species once thought extinct for over 100 years, and the successful conservation efforts that led to the find.

Seema Nande

Differences Between Crocodiles and Gharials

While the reptile species is one of taxonomy's broadest, there are two varieties of it that especially have people confused — crocodiles and gharials. Here's how to distinguish between the two.

Uma Athale

Differences Between Butterflies and Moths

Belonging to the Lepidoptera species, the butterfly and moth are often confused to be the same. Here's a comprehensive list of factors that discern them!

Uma Athale

Of Elephants and Explosives...

A perspective on human wildlife conflict

Shantanu Kalambi

Motherhood ain't no Monkey Business!

Chronicles of raising a baby bonnet macaque!

Indrakshi Banerji

6 Charismatic Extinct Indian Animals in the Last 300 Years Due to Anthropogenic Reasons

A pictographic list of six animals that faced extinction in the wake of human hunting, poaching and habitat destruction in the last 300 years.

Jeevoka Buzz

How Umbrella Species Help Conservation and Why the Tiger Is an Iconic Umbrella Species

A short, informative description of umbrella species, using the example of the Tiger in India.

Jeevoka Buzz

Capitalism Is Killing the World’s Wildlife Populations, Not ‘Humanity’

Here’s why Anna Pigott thinks redirecting our self-loathing towards capitalism would not only be a more accurate target, but it might also empower us to see our humanity as a force for good.

Jeevoka Buzz

‘Jaws’ is Responsible For Killing A Colossal Amount of Sharks

A summary of how shark-attack gore movies that began with the ever-so-famous 'Jaws' really gave sharks a bad reputation and how that really affected their numbers and population.

Jeevoka Buzz