

Animal Moms and the Wholesome Ways They Protect Their Young

Their love language is ‘safety first’ — take a sweet look at motherhood in the animal kingdom

Jeevoka Buzz

Celebrate the International Tiger Day With These Fun Tiger Facts

Each year on the 29th of July, the world comes together to celebrate the powerful, beautiful, and perfect tigers!

Jeevoka Buzz

Signs of Life: How to Tell When an Animal Has Visited Your Home!

Just like people, animals leave behind signs of their presence, too! Here are some telltale signs to help you understand what kind of animals and birds have visited your property.

Surabhi Ganguly

Tigers in Indian Mythology

Animals play a significant role in mythology. Here’s how the tiger has been one of the most prevailing figures in some Indian religions!

Uma Athale

Tough Catch!

Dare to watch a real game of catch? Here's why heading into the woods can be a great choice. From camouflage to brute force, this is as real as it gets!

Surabhi Ganguly