

Are We Ready for a Second Disaster After Coronavirus? Are We Ready for Climate Crisis?

The leaders' ignorance of hard science may have landed us in the current pandemic, but let's lead our way to safeguard ourselves from the next crisis—Climate Crisis. Here's how!

Jeevoka Buzz

Chinese Manjha: A Home-Grown Killer

Unlike the traditional cotton-based manjha, Chinese manjha is strong enough to cut through flesh. Here’s how this killer thread threatens both lives and the environment!

Uma Athale

How Will Bombay Survive Without Its Lungs?

While the Supreme Court has currently put a hold on further developments of the Metro shed at Aarey, we talk to Anand Siva to know how baneful the repercussions of the proposed development can be!

Jeevoka Buzz

Wind Power: When Green Energy Turns Destructive

Considered to be a sustainable source of energy, wind power may be a great alternative in the short run, but its long-term consequences are rather detrimental! Here’s how.

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How to be a Responsible Wildlife Tourist

A few simple rules can help you make the most of your holiday and have a minimal impact on the places you visit. Here’s how you can be a more responsible tourist!

Uma Athale

How to be a Responsible Wildlife Tourist

A few simple rules can help you make the most of your holiday and have a minimal impact on the places you visit. Here’s how you can be a more responsible tourist!

Uma Athale


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Chinese Manjha: A Home-Grown Killer

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How to be a Responsible Wildlife Tourist

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